Is there any documentation regarding data to be expected when using the .NET Refinitiv.DataPlatform

When I open a data stream via DeliveryFactory.CreateStream(...) I can supply callback methods e.g. OnRefresh(MyRefershHandler). This handler will then receive the message in form of a json object (JObject message). Is there a description somewhere listing the data that can be expected here, or in the other callbacks?

For example part of the message can be:


"Qos": {

"Timeliness": "Realtime",
"Rate": "TimeConflated",
"RateInfo": 3000


What are valid values for "Timeliness" or "Rate" I need to test for?

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @martin.grunwald

    The RDP Library is an ease of use wrapper around the Websocket API.

    You can refer to the Websocket API documentation online (or downloadable - see link at bottom of page) - for a list of the possible values to use in requests or receive in responses

    e.g. Request Msg & RefreshMsg

    Note that the actual possible values for Timeliness, rate and rateinfo - will depend on the feed you are connecting to. If connecting to a Deployed session, then this will be controlled by internal your Market Data team. If connecting to a Platform session i.e. ERT in Cloud, I believe there is currently only one Qos available - but please double check with your Refinitiv Account team.