For a given Mutual Fund I would like to retrieve the LipperCode as well as the Benchmarks and the Se


df_in, err = ek.get_data('LU0056508442',['TR.ISIN', 'TR.CommonName', 'CF_CURR', 'TR.Fund3YearPerf', 'TR.Fund5YearPerf','TR.FundTotalReturnLipperRating', 'TR.FundConsistentReturnLipperRating', 'TR.FundPreservationLipperRating', 'TR.FundExpenseLipperRating'])

For any Mutual Fund, e.g. LU0056508442, I would like to retrieve its LipperCode, as well as the Benchmarks and the Sector. What variable names dor I need to use? Could I have found this myself somewhere, if so please indicate where.

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @vanderkroon

    The following works for me:

    myLipper = ek.get_symbology('LU0056508442', from_symbol_type='RIC', to_symbol_type='lipperID')



    I am not an Eikon expert - so there may be other ways of doing this...