depreciation warning

Hi. I am getting the following warning and wanted to bring it your attention. Will this be fixed in future iterations of the API?

/Library/Python/3.7/site-packages/eikon/ FutureWarning:=

The module is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Import numpy directly instead

Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @michaelberk99 and @JIAN.DU

    I have been advised by the developers that this issue will be resolved in future releases of the RDP library and the Eikon Data API.

    Indeed the alpha version 1.1.3a0 of the Python Eikon Data API already has this issue fixed. I do not recommend using the Alpha version for any production implementations.


  • @michaelberk99, What version of Eikon module are you running. I have the latest version, and don't numpy imported as such or get this error on get_timeseries API call.

    >>> ek.__version__
  • The RDP APIs refinitiv.dataplatform library - 1.0.0a0 ( currently have this warning. Is the RDP library on Github or similar? Happy to help.

  • You will have to be more specific - The error message in your original post is showing Eikon Data API, but the link is to RDP library. Both of which are different products.

    Can you please show how I can replicate this error message - the code snippet etc. Also what is your Eikon and RDP library version number?

  • In my case, I am referring to refinitiv.dataplatform (RDP library, not Eikon), but the underlying issue is the same. My RDP library is above, the latest on pip. There are references to, whereby should import numpy directly.

    You will get the warning when you import the (RDP) library.

  • Thanks for the information, but I am still unable to reproduce your error. Can you point to the actual file within the package which imports numpy from pandas.

    (rdp) C> pip list | grep -i refinitiv
    refinitiv-dataplatform 1.0.0a0

    (rdp) C> python
    Python 3.6.2 |Continuum Analytics, Inc.| (default, Jul 20 2017, 12:30:02) [MSC v.1900 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32
    Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
    >>> import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp
    >>> rdp.__version__
  • >>> import refinitiv.dataplatform <path>\lib\site-packages\refinitiv\dataplatform\pricing\ FutureWarning: The module is deprecated and will be removed from pandas in a future version. Import numpy directly instead from pandas import np
    >>> refinitiv.dataplatform.__version__ '1.0.0-alpha'

    I am on pandas 1.0.3.



    Depreciating and pandas.datetime, is intentional. (see: ) I think the warnings are from 1.0.x onwards from start of this year.

    There are numerous functions still referencing


    So while the RDP library works (just shows warning) it is recommended to update and import numpy explicitly for future compatibility.

  • Thanks, I will pass this information to the developers.

  • Any update to this please?

  • Hi Umer - thank you for your reply. I see you mentioned the eikon library, however I was referring to

    Would you happen to know when this will be applied to the library?

  • Hi @JIAN.DU

    Indeed the same changes are being applied to the RDP library as well - in time RDP library and Eikon library will be the one library.

    I can confirm that I am using an internal test RDP version and the pandas warning no longer exists.

    I have not yet upgraded to the latest test version - but as its a later version it should also include this fix -

    NOTE: If you do decide to try the test version, I would not recommend using it for any current production/critical usage until you have tested and satisfied yourself it is stable enough.

  • Hello,

    I'm getting this message as well from the Eikon API version 1.1.2. Is there a projected date for an API update resolving the deprecation issue?

    Thank you!