How to find symbols of specific item

I am trying to get Symbols (such as Mnemonic, RIC, and/or ISIN) of items that I am specifically searching for with keywords (e.g. Apple, Amazon, Google, etc) with Datastream Python API. Is there any way to get such information as a dataframe?

Also, in the above question, I am looking for that specific item. But, if search gives more results (such as Apple Credit, Apple Rush when I search for Apple), is there also a way to get all these items and their info as dataframe (as in DFO Navigator result format)?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Jirapongse admin
    Answer ✓


    You can use the DS.SYMBOLLOOKUP data type to find symbols.

    The python code looks like:

    df = ds.get_data(tickers="Apple", fields=["DS.SYMBOLLOOKUP"], kind=0)

    The result is:



  • Thank you so much :) And also, I would like to know data type for getting RIC, ISIN, CODE, MNEMONIC.