.Net example to request Level2 data does not work

Using example: 3.1.1 - Streaming - MarketByPrice

Connecting using DesktopSession via Eikon4 Desktop

Command Line output:

20.04.2020 14:40:51:Session is Pending. (State: Pending)
20.04.2020 14:40:51:{

"Contents": "Desktop Session Successfully Authenticated"
}. (Event: SessionAuthenticationSuccess)
20.04.2020 14:40:51:Session is Opened. (State: Opened)
20.04.2020 14:40:55:{

"Contents": "Successfully connected into the WebSocket server: localhost:9000/api/v1/data/streaming/pricing"
}. (Event: StreamConnected)

"ID": 2,
"State": {

"Code": "UnsupportedRequestDomain",
"Data": "Suspect",
"Stream": "Closed",
"Text": "Only MarketPrice Domain is supported"
"Type": "Status"

Best Answer

  • Hi @martin.grunwald,

    The Desktop (Eikon or Refinitiv Workspace) presently do not support the level 2 domains. This also fails for me. However, if you have access to RDP (Platform Session), or your own local market data system - ADS (Deployed Session), these do support level 2 domains.