How EMA Java leverage View function by subscribing FieldName

In the doc,, it describes a sample of using View to subscribe a few of Fields by FIDs. Is it able to subscribe by 'FieldName', e.g. 'TRDPRC_1', 'BID, 'ASK' etc? Thanks.

Best Answer

  • Hello @tony.zhu

    ADS does not support Field Filtering by Field Name; only FIDs are supported. If Field Names are used, all fields are returned with the status text "Unsupported view type" as an example shown below:

    Item Name: IBM.N 
    Item State: Open / Ok / Unsupported view type / 'OK'
    Fid: 1 Name = PROD_PERM DataType: UInt Value: 62
    Fid: 2 Name = RDNDISPLAY DataType: UInt Value: 64
    Fid: 3 Name = DSPLY_NAME DataType: Rmtes Value: INTL BUS MACHINE
    Fid: 4 Name = RDN_EXCHID DataType: Enum Value: NYS
    Fid: 6 Name = TRDPRC_1 DataType: Real Value: 116.76

    For more details, please refer to 7.24 Field Filtering in ADS Software Installation Manual

    Anyway, you may consider WebSocket API which allows you to sends Field Names in a View request as the following example:


    Note: WebSocket API requires TREP version 3.2.1 and above with the WebSocket connection enable.
