Error Code 400 around Bond Data

My code is part of a function I use on a daily basis, and for some reason today I am getting a 400 Error code when I run it. Any Idea on why? ( I am using Python)

bnd_lst = ek.get_data('0#GOVT=BND', fields = 'MATUR_DATE')[0]


Best Answer

  • Hi @jgarden,

    If it is specific to your particular data set, this may have been a result of a data limit reached. An error code of 400 will be raised in these situations. Review the API Usage a Limit Guidelines document to see if this could be the cause.

    My initial thinking is that given you reviewed the above posts, one of which refers to data limits, this may be something else. I just tried your request without issue. If it happens again, please post a screenshot of the call and error details returned.
