It says on the Eikp API guideline "if you reached a Daily Limit, you could display a msg in dialog b

It says on the Eikp API guideline "if you reached a Daily Limit, you could display a msg in dialog box that explains that a daily limit has been reached & the application will stop receiving data until tomorrow. " Do you have an exact time for this?

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓

    The daily requests and volume limits for Eikon Data APIs reset at midnight according to the operating system clock on user’s machine.


  • Hello @georgette.castillo,

    I am not sure I fully understand the question.

    You, as an application developer, could make provisions, in the user interface, to alert your user if the daily limit has been reached.

    When the requests on behalf of the user start failing because the limit is reached, then the app would alert the user in some form, one of those is the suggested, a verbose message?

    I hope this helps, otherwise, please elaborate on time for what, so we can help?