why can't I retrieve BVPSTotalEquity via Python and Eikon API?

I have TR commodity account but I see the value of BVPSTotalEquity, for example for Alphabet,


and here is my Python code:

df3,e = ek.get_data('GOOGL.O',



and here is the result, why this 292,5511 number doesn't appear? you can see for the whole column BVPS is empty


I also tried with TR.BookValuePerShare but it's also empty, however, I don't see its value under Data Item Browser anyway, cf. first line of first print-screen

THanks a lot

Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @keyan.z,

    To summarize from investigation via support case 08674830 (correlated to 08675083) , it was concluded that "client should not be able to get access to this content".

    If your organization requires the content in question, please discuss your requirements in detail with your Refinitiv Account manager so that solution in terms of purchasing can be converged upon.

    Hope this is of help.


  • @keyan.z

    The data is available when running the same code. I am using Eikon Data APIs 1.1.2.


    Please verify the version of Python Eikon Data APIs that you are using.

  • Hi I tried but it still doesn't work: how do I see my current Eikon API version? I did pip install Eikon and

    this is from CMD command


    this is from Anaconda prompt


  • @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai Hi As per my comment on your reply, the problem is not solved.

  • @keyan.z

    Can you set the raw_output to True to verify raw output?

    df3 = ek.get_data('GOOGL.O',
                        {'SDate':'0','EDate':'-9','Frq':'Y'}, raw_output=True)

  • jirapongse.phuriphanvichai

    I did, I still need help to retrieve the disired values, this is the output I get, THIS WEBPAGE doesn't allow me to reply/comment on your last post directly



    {'columnHeadersCount': 1,

    'data': [['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2019-12-31T00:00:00Z', 161857000000],

    ['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2018-12-31T00:00:00Z', 136819000000],

    ['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2017-12-31T00:00:00Z', 110855000000],

    ['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2016-12-31T00:00:00Z', 90272000000],

    ['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2015-12-31T00:00:00Z', 74989000000],

    ['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2014-12-31T00:00:00Z', 66001000000],

    ['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2013-12-31T00:00:00Z', 55519000000],

    ['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2012-12-31T00:00:00Z', 46039000000],

    ['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2011-12-31T00:00:00Z', 37905000000],

    ['GOOGL.O', None, None, '2010-12-31T00:00:00Z', 29321000000]],

    'error': [{'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 0},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 0},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 1},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 1},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 2},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 2},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 3},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 3},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 4},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 4},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 5},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 5},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 6},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 6},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 7},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 7},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 8},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 8},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 1,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 9},

    {'code': 906,

    'col': 2,

    'message': "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.",

    'row': 9}],

    'headerOrientation': 'horizontal',

    'headers': [[{'displayName': 'Instrument'},

    {'displayName': 'Date', 'field': 'TR.BVPSTOTALEQUITY.DATE'},

    {'displayName': 'Book Value Per Share, Total Equity',

    'field': 'TR.BVPSTOTALEQUITY'},

    {'displayName': 'Date', 'field': 'TR.REVENUE.DATE'},

    {'displayName': 'Revenue', 'field': 'TR.REVENUE'}]],

    'rowHeadersCount': 1,

    'totalColumnsCount': 5,

    'totalRowsCount': 11}

  • THIS WEBPAGE doesn't allow me to reply/comment with the output of the code so please check my "answer" below, which is the question as problem still not sovled

  • @keyan.z

    Sorry for the late response. Your result is different from mine.


    Please enable logging in Eikon Data APIs with the below code. I would like to see the raw request message.

    import logging
    logger = logging.getLogger('pyeikon')


    My request message is:

    imagePlease share the full log when running that code.

    You may try to retrieve the same data with Eikon Excel. The Excel formula looks like:

    =TR("GOOGL.O","TR.BVPSTotalEquity.Date;TR.BVPSTotalEquity;TR.Revenue.Date;TR.Revenue","SDate=0 EDate=-9 Frq=Y CH=Fd RH=IN",B2)

    If the problem also happens in Eikon Excel, you may need to contact the Eikon support team via MyRefinitiv to verify the problem.

  • 2020-05-08 16:43:14,944 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Set App Key:

    my app key

    2020-05-08 16:43:14,979 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Response : 500 - {"code":500,"message":"Cannot find module \".\"","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}

    2020-05-08 16:43:14,980 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Port 9000 was retrieved from .portInUse file

    2020-05-08 16:43:14,981 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Try to handshake on url http://localhost:9000/api/handshake...

    2020-05-08 16:43:14,987 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Response : 400 - Handshake payload is invalid.

    2020-05-08 16:43:14,989 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Set Proxy port number to 9000

    2020-05-08 16:43:14,989 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Unlock login_event for streaming session 0 due to stop streaming call

    2020-05-08 16:43:15,010 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Checking port 9000 response : 500 - {"code":500,"message":"Cannot find module \".\"","statusMessage":"Internal Server Error"}

    2020-05-08 16:43:15,011 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Port 9000 was retrieved from .portInUse file

    2020-05-08 16:43:15,012 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Try to handshake on url http://localhost:9000/api/handshake...

    2020-05-08 16:43:15,403 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Response : 200 - {"access_token":"eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJBcGlWZXJzaW9uIjoiMSIsIkFwcEtleSI6Ijc0MDFlY2Q1MzkzYjQyNTM5ZmNiOTRmNzg0MTZhM2RkMDIxMWM5NDEiLCJBcHBTY29wZSI6InJhcGkiLCJMaWJyYXJ5TmFtZSI6IkVpa29uIFB5dGhvbiBMaWJyYXJ5IiwiTGlicmFyeVZlcnNpb24iOiIxLjEuMiIsImlhdCI6MTU4ODk0ODk5NSwiZXhwIjoxNTkwMTU4NTk1fQ.sUn7ltMxmGsdXDSHreatWC4UvztEUpbUtTtbrIbW5Gs","expires_in":1209600,"token_type":"bearer"}

    2020-05-08 16:43:15,405 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Application ID: 7401ecd5393b42539fcb94f78416a3dd0211c941

    2020-05-08 16:43:15,406 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Port 9000 on local proxy was detected

    2020-05-08 16:43:15,407 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] entity: DataGrid_StandardAsync

    2020-05-08 16:43:15,408 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] payload: {'requests': [{'instruments': ['GOOGL.O'], 'fields': [{'name': 'TR.BVPSTotalEquity.Date'}, {'name': 'TR.BVPSTotalEquity'}, {'name': 'TR.Revenue.Date'}, {'name': 'TR.Revenue'}], 'parameters': {'SDate': '0', 'EDate': '-9', 'Frq': 'Y'}}]}

    2020-05-08 16:43:15,409 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Request:{'Entity': {'E': 'DataGrid_StandardAsync', 'W': {'requests': [{'instruments': ['GOOGL.O'], 'fields': [{'name': 'TR.BVPSTotalEquity.Date'}, {'name': 'TR.BVPSTotalEquity'}, {'name': 'TR.Revenue.Date'}, {'name': 'TR.Revenue'}], 'parameters': {'SDate': '0', 'EDate': '-9', 'Frq': 'Y'}}]}}}

    2020-05-08 16:43:16,873 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] HTTP Response code: 200

    2020-05-08 16:43:16,875 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] HTTP Response: {"responses":[{"columnHeadersCount":1,"data":[["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2019-12-31T00:00:00Z",161857000000],["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2018-12-31T00:00:00Z",136819000000],["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2017-12-31T00:00:00Z",110855000000],["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2016-12-31T00:00:00Z",90272000000],["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2015-12-31T00:00:00Z",74989000000],["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2014-12-31T00:00:00Z",66001000000],["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2013-12-31T00:00:00Z",55519000000],["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2012-12-31T00:00:00Z",46039000000],["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2011-12-31T00:00:00Z",37905000000],["GOOGL.O",null,null,"2010-12-31T00:00:00Z",29321000000]],"error":[{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":0},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":0},{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":1},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":1},{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":2},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":2},{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":3},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":3},{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":4},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":4},{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":5},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":5},{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":6},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":6},{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":7},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":7},{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":8},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":8},{"code":906,"col":1,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":9},{"code":906,"col":2,"message":"Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'.","row":9}],"headerOrientation":"horizontal","headers":[[{"displayName":"Instrument"},{"displayName":"Date","field":"TR.BVPSTOTALEQUITY.DATE"},{"displayName":"Book Value Per Share, Total Equity","field":"TR.BVPSTOTALEQUITY"},{"displayName":"Date","field":"TR.REVENUE.DATE"},{"displayName":"Revenue","field":"TR.REVENUE"}]],"rowHeadersCount":1,"totalColumnsCount":5,"totalRowsCount":11}]}

    2020-05-08 16:43:16,876 P[27156] [MainThread 17592] Response size: 2915

  • I just shared the full log as another answer as the comment section has 1500 characters max limit.., BTW is there any chance we talk via Skype for Business and you take control directly my machine and do the necessary testing? just to get things done in a more efficient way. Thanks Please feel free to add me on Skype for Business. I also tried in Excel, those values are not shown either, instead it has "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'." in those missing values fields..

  • @keyan.z

    It appears that the issue is with your Eikon account entitlements for this data set, more specifically for historical values of TR.BVPSTOTALEQUITY data item. Admittedly it is confusing that you're able to view the latest value of TR.BVPSTOTALEQUITY for GOOG.O in Data Item Browser app in Eikon, but cannot retrieve the history including the latest value using get_data method. In any case the moderators on this forum do not have sufficiently granular knowledge of what content is included with which Eikon variants to ascertain whether you're supposed to be able to retrieve historical TR.BVPSTOTALEQUITY with Eikon variant you subscribe to. The best way to go about this is to reproduce the issue in Excel using the formula @jirapongse.phuriphanvichai provided in his previous post:

    =TR("GOOGL.O","TR.BVPSTotalEquity.Date;TR.BVPSTotalEquity;TR.Revenue.Date;TR.Revenue","SDate=0 EDate=-9 Frq=Y CH=Fd RH=In")

    If you're able to reproduce the issue in Excel, i.e. if the above formula does not return any values for TR.BVPSTOTALEQUITY, then I suggest you open a case with Refinitiv Helpdesk and ask why you cannot retrieve this data using Excel. The Helpdesk will be able to check whether your Eikon subscription is supposed to include access to this data.
    If you're unable to reproduce the problem in Excel, i.e. if the above formula returns the timeseries for TR.BVPSTOTALEQUITY into Excel worksheet, then please post back on this thread, as then we will know the problem is not with the data entitlements included with the Eikon variant you subscribe to, and we need to look elsewhere.

    Refinitiv Helpdesk can be reached by calling the Helpdesk number in your country, by using MyRefinitiv or by using Contact Us capability in your Eikon application.

  • Thanks a lot Alex, as I replied in the comment to jirapongse.phuriphanvichai 's last post

    I just shared the full log as another answer as the comment section has 1500 characters max limit.., BTW is there any chance we talk via Skype for Business and you take control directly my machine and do the necessary testing? just to get things done in a more efficient way. Thanks Please feel free to add me on Skype for Business. I also tried in Excel, those values are not shown either, instead it has "Permission Denied to parameter 'EDate'." in those missing values fields..

    This forum design is not user friendly, look you just overlooked my reply to his comment. Can you please add me on Skype and I will give you control so that we can solve once for all :)

  • @keyan.z

    Sorry I missed your previous comment. This forum is aimed to answer "how to" types of questions about using Refinitiv APIs. The format of a forum is not conducive to effectively deal with machine or account specific technical problems, entitlement issues etc. These kinds of issues are best directed to Refinitiv Helpdesk, where the agents have the capability to remote connect to you machine and do the necessary troubleshooting, although in this case it's probably not necessary, as the issue is likely due to your account entitlements. The Helpdesk is also the best resource for any kind of content issues.

    I opened case 08675083 with Refinitiv Helpdesk on your behalf. Someone from the Helpdesk will reach out to you for any additional info they may need or to provide a resolution for the case.