Implementation guide for Elektron API

We had a deal with client for Elektron API, client system cosuming FX data from our Elektron edge directly via API(Without TREP). Do we have relevant guide of implementation and API? Thanks

Best Answer


  • Thanks Pimchaya. My question actually more specific. as you know for TREP API we use Dacs ID as client login, how about ERT(Elektron edge only) without TREP? Will we use ILAs?

  • Hello @Hao.Tang

    I am not sure if ILAs are required for Elektron Edge; I never connect EED directly without TREP. You may ask Refinitv team who take care of EED or contact EED(Elektron Edge) support team via Get Support | MyRefinitiv

  • @Hao.Tang

    As I know, you can use ILAs as a user name in the login request.

  • Thanks Jirapongse, clear now. By the way for API, i find C++/Java/Websocket for Elektron, how about RFA? Do we have guide for RFA to Elektron directly without TREP, which can be shared to external client?

  • Yes, RFA can directly connect to the Elektron feed (except Elektron in Cloud) without TREP. You can refer to API Compatibility Matrix.