Many RICs that expired this month missing the expired marker ^D20

Consider for example permid 25727395105. The permid website says that the RIC is EDTXU.P. However this RIC expired at the beginning of April and other Refinitiv tools say the RIC should be EDTXU.P^C20. Here is a sample of similar permids, the RIC from the last bulk quotes file, the RIC returned by another Refinitiv tool, and the date the RIC expired. Can you please fix this.

25727395105 | EDTXU.P | EDTXU.P^C20 | 2020-04-02
21742039260 | COMBIur.ST | COMBIur.ST^D20 | 2020-04-02
55835354794 | OBE.TH | OBE.TH^D20 | 2020-04-02
55838325127 | OBE.N | OBE.N^D20 | 2020-04-02
21718607379 | AGOLl.CHI | AGOLl.CHI^D20 | 2020-04-02
55837242230 | OBE.P | OBE.P^D20 | 2020-04-02
25727406021 | SGB.N | SGB.N^D20 | 2020-04-03
21740958561 | WECRA.AX | WECRA.AX^D20 | 2020-04-03
25769765015 | RARX.P | RARX.P^D20 | 2020-04-03
55839334580 | SGB | SGB^D20 | 2020-04-03
25769765020 | RARX.OQ | RARX.OQ^D20 | 2020-04-03
55837228335 | SGB.P | SGB.P^D20 | 2020-04-03
25727408752 | RARX.N | RARX.N^D20 | 2020-04-03
55835354488 | SGB.TH | SGB.TH^D20 | 2020-04-03
21730199574 | 2S7.DE | 2S7.DE^D20 | 2020-04-03
25769765021 | RARX.O | RARX.O^D20 | 2020-04-03
21741600202 | BMEDl.CHI | BMEDl.CHI^D20 | 2020-04-20
55837367090 | CAGR.DE | CAGR.DE^D20 | 2020-04-20
25727400794 | ALGRU.N | ALGRU.N^D20 | 2020-04-21
55835584437 | RNL.AX | RNL.AX^D20 | 2020-04-21
21724925900 | VIVn.PA | VIVn.PA^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727398165 | ALGR.O | ALGR.O^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727398182 | ALGRR.P | ALGRR.P^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727398147 | ALGR.N | ALGR.N^D20 | 2020-04-21
21644346680 | GVALU.MI | GVALU.MI^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727398186 | ALGRR.O | ALGRR.O^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727400813 | ALGRU.O | ALGRU.O^D20 | 2020-04-21
55838852512 | SCBD.JK | SCBD.JK^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727398166 | ALGR.OQ | ALGR.OQ^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727371531 | IBRP4p.J | IBRP4p.J^D20 | 2020-04-21
21745348410 | SMCRF.AX | SMCRF.AX^D20 | 2020-04-21
55835588068 | SSN.AX | SSN.AX^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727398161 | ALGR.P | ALGR.P^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727398187 | ALGRR.OQ | ALGRR.OQ^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727398168 | ALGRR.N | ALGRR.N^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727400812 | ALGRU.OQ | ALGRU.OQ^D20 | 2020-04-21
25727400808 | ALGRU.P | ALGRU.P^D20 | 2020-04-21
21587931864 | MQs.CHI | MQs.CHI^D20 | 2020-04-22
21475029420 | MQH.ST | MQH.ST^D20 | 2020-04-22
55838234374 | SWOLb.ST | SWOLb.ST^D20 | 2020-04-22
21476107363 | MLNTQ.PK | MLNTQ.PK^D20 | 2020-04-22
21558441762 | SWOLBs.CHI | SWOLBs.CHI^D20 | 2020-04-22
25727350960 | AGRSc_r.JK | AGRSc_r.JK^D20 | 2020-04-23
21614332619 | BRIGto3.ST | BRIGto3.ST^D20 | 2020-04-23
21745335515 | ALEMV_r.PA | ALEMV_r.PA^D20 | 2020-04-23
55838321178 | FTR.OQ | FTR.OQ^D20 | 2020-04-24
25727372975 | DEACU.N | DEACU.N^D20 | 2020-04-24
25727407596 | FTR.N | FTR.N^D20 | 2020-04-24
55837106724 | FTR.P | FTR.P^D20 | 2020-04-24
25727372992 | DEACU.OQ | DEACU.OQ^D20 | 2020-04-24

Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hi @duncan.sands,

    Rather, some of the content base updates have gone through, and some are still pending, having other dependencies. We will keep you informed.


  • Thanks for passing this on to the team. While most of them were fixed, these were not:

    21740958561 | WECRA.AX
    21741600202 | BMEDl.CHI
    21742039260 | COMBIur.ST
    25727395105 | EDTXU.P

    Also, here are some examples of this problem that I didn't mention before:

    21588167540 | RSHRB.AX | RSHRB.AX^F16 | 2019-04-10
    25727407255 | MLNX.N | MLNX.N^D20 | 2020-04-28
    55838321501 | DO.N | DO.N^D20 | 2020-04-28
    55837231356 | MLNX.P | MLNX.P^D20 | 2020-04-28
    55837109694 | DO.P | DO.P^D20 | 2020-04-28
    55835376461 | MLNX.OQ | MLNX.OQ^D20 | 2020-04-28
    55835330922 | DO.TH | DO.TH^D20 | 2020-04-28
    21745086642 | NVPtr.ST | NVPtr.ST^D20 | 2020-04-28
    55839220268 | MLNX.O | MLNX.O^D20 | 2020-04-28
    21724925907 | BOUYn.PA | BOUYn.PA^D20 | 2020-04-28
    21746433675 | SOSI1U0120.HE | SOSI1U0120.HE^D20 | 2020-04-29
    21506124492 | NMCl.CHI | NMCl.CHI^D20 | 2020-04-29
    25727350831 | ENSRB.NZ | ENSRB.NZ^D20 | 2020-04-29
    55837450687 | FRCR.SI | FRCR.SI^D20 | 2020-04-29
    55837207944 | QBAK.P | QBAK.P^D20 | 2020-04-30
    55835357674 | QBAK.OQ | QBAK.OQ^D20 | 2020-04-30
    25727418445 | RBZ.P | RBZ.P^D20 | 2020-04-30
    25727406475 | QBAK.N | QBAK.N^D20 | 2020-04-30
    25727408353 | RBZ.N | RBZ.N^D20 | 2020-04-30
    25727418450 | RBZ.OQ | RBZ.OQ^D20 | 2020-04-30

    Did the team only patch up the examples I mentioned, or did they resolve the underlying problem?

  • It's looking better and better, but is still not completely fixed. Here are some examples from yesterday's bulk quotes file.

    permid | bad_ric | good_ric
    21575137269 | AR1R.AX | AR1R.AX^K15
    25727372975 | DEACU.N | DEACU.N^D20
    25727372993 | DEACU.O | DEACU.O^D20
    25727372992 | DEACU.OQ | DEACU.OQ^D20
    25727372986 | DEACU.P | DEACU.P^D20
    55839080185 | EJ | EJ^H16
    25727407596 | FTR.N | FTR.N^D20
    55837106724 | FTR.P | FTR.P^D20
    21588167540 | RSHRB.AX | RSHRB.AX^F16
    21575746614 | RXLR.AX | RXLR.AX^K15

  • Everything look good now except for these two:
    21576858066 | AYANA.AX | AYANA.AX^A16 | 2016-01-08
    21591858763 | EXGNB.AX | EXGNB.AX^H16 | 2016-08-17

  • Hi @duncan.sands,

    Thanks for the information,

    I have been advised that "these RIC values are now fixed. The changes will be visible on the next bulk files update"

    Please review past Sun updates.

    Thanks for your patience,


  • Thanks, they have been fixed. But now there are some new examples:

    21560507550 | RTTR.O | QLGN.O | 2020-05-23
    21560507551 | RTTR.OQ | QLGN.OQ | 2020-05-23
    21560507555 | RTTR.P | QLGN.P | 2020-05-23
    21579768146 | CFDB.PK | CFDB.PK^E20 | 2020-05-23
    25727376981 | HPBp.GO | LHI.GO | 2020-05-23
    25727376982 | HPBp.V | LHI.V | 2020-05-23
    25727392213 | AIMCp.CXC | VOX.CXC | 2020-05-23
    25727392216 | AIMCp.V | VOX.V | 2020-05-23
    25727406442 | RTTR.N | QLGN.N | 2020-05-23

  • Taking into account that it may take up to 5 days for updates to propagate, everything is fine now.