How should we implement the consumer's rdmLoginMsgCallback()


I've a problem following the UPA ValueAdd package example of consumer's rdmLoginMsgCallback() implementation. This is what written in the example:

public int rdmLoginMsgCallback(RDMLoginMsgEvent event)
ChannelInfo chnlInfo = (ChannelInfo)event.reactorChannel().userSpecObj();
LoginMsgType msgType = event.rdmLoginMsg().rdmMsgType();

switch (msgType)
System.out.println("Received Login Refresh for Username: " + ((LoginRefresh)event.rdmLoginMsg()).userName());

// save loginRefresh

// set login stream id in MarketPriceHandler and YieldCurveHandler
case STATUS:
LoginStatus loginStatus = (LoginStatus)event.rdmLoginMsg();
System.out.println("Received Login StatusMsg");
if (loginStatus.checkHasState())
System.out.println(" " + loginStatus.state());
System.out.println("Received Unhandled Login Msg Type: " + msgType);

return ReactorCallbackReturnCodes.SUCCESS;

Unfortunately, this implementation causes infinite login retry attempts at a very rapid rate (i.e. no pause during each retry even we set reconnectMinDelay / reconnectMaxDelay both to 10000 ms) .

My question is, what is the proper way to implement this method if we want the consumer to not retrying login when received Login StatusMsg?

I had tried modifying the code to return ReactorCallbackReturnCodes.FAILURE in that case and it seems to work pretty well but not sure if that's a correct approach.

Best Answer

  • reconnectMinDelay / reconnectMaxDelay is the minimum/maximum time the
    Reactor waits (in milliseconds) before attempting to reconnect a failed channel.
    Both are used in the connection step not in login step. Your application could
    connect already(connection step was done) but it fails during login step. UPA
    Java does not have option to control the maximum number of login retry and the
    rapid rate. That why's your application infinite login retry attempts at a very
    rapid rate.

    You can return ReactorCallbackReturnCodes.FAILURE to stop
    infinite login retry attempts because try to login with the same invalid login
    request does not help. Application will alway login fails. Then, you should
    observe the login status and fix login request. This will make sure that your
    application will be able to login successfully and can get data in the next
