(JAVA) Does using interestAfterRefresh(false) remove the need for deregistering items with Elektron?


I just have a quick question regarding interestAfterRefresh. Our application at times may be registering many RICs with elektron at once, and it could potentially hit our elektron license cap. By using:

consumer.registerClient(reqMsg.serviceName("DIRECT_FEED").name("IBM.N").interestAfterRefresh(false), appClient);

Does this remove our need to unregister RICs manually? Also documentation states that a response may come in the form of one or more messages, if it does unregister automatically, can we assume it will be after all messages have been sent?


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @andrew.richardson

    InterestAfterRefresh(false) specifies that you want to make a Snapshot i.e non-streaming request.

    So, if the instrument you request is a valid one (and you are permissioned for it), you should get a RefreshMsg for that instrument and the API will automatically unregister and close the stream for that instrument - you will not receive any Updates.
    If the server is not able to supply the RIC - e.g. it is invalid or you are not permissioned for it - then you will get a StatusMsg indicating this and the stream will be closed also.

    If you want streaming data i.e. a Refresh, followed by updates then you need to set InterestAfterRefresh(True) - which is the default mode - and so does not need to be explicitly specified.

    A MarketPrice request (the default) will provide all data in a single RefreshMsg.

    For other domains such as MarketByPrice, you can expect to receive Multiple Refresh - with the final one having the completion flag set.
