I am currently migrating in house application from SLL/MarketFeed -->RSSL/OMM and found that origina

I am currently migrating in house application from SLL/MarketFeed -->RSSL/OMM and found that original code is using Interop.SSLConfig.dll, Interop.SSLRecord.dll. Do we have similar Interop DLLs available for RSSL with latest RFA ?

Best Answer


  • @pramod.singh

    RFA.NET does not use the DLLs.
    It seems to be SFC /SFC COM DLLs. Are you moving from SFC to RFA.NET?

    RFA.NET is a .NET wrapper class built on top of RFA C++. It uses C++/CLI to implement the library, so it has an interop between unmanaged code(C++) and .NET layer. Also, RFA.NET has a different architecture and implementation comparing with SFC. So you have to re-write the application, and you are unable to use your old implementation.

  • Thanks Moragodkrit & Umer for the feedback. Please allow me to spare some time on the pointers provided and will come back if require any further assistance on that.