Differences of TR and Rhistory functions?


I have been using "TR.fields" for pulling "Eikon" data. I come to know that one can use TR function(TR.PriceClose) or Rhistory(.Close) to get the same data in Excel API. I am new to Rhistory function.

Please clarify my questions as mentioend below,

(a) whether the Eikon Data API has an alternative for the Rhistory function?

(b) Is there a difference between the TR and Rhistory functions?

Thank You,


Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @priyanka

    TR excel = get_data()

    TR RHistory = get_timeseries() but only supports "default" view, cannot change view in Eikon Data API.

    TR function is getting data from fields available in Data Item Browser.

    Rhistory is getting timeseries data.