How do I filter private companies by the number of employees?

I am trying to get a list of organizations (OrgPermID) for private companies that have more than a given number of employees. Someone gave me the following formula for Excel, but I need it using the Eikon API. The formula I was given is below. Can someone please tell me how to get this using the Eikon API? Thanks. =TF(TFScreen(TFFILTERSET(Companies,Active,1,IssuerStatus=Private),curn=USD,TF.PC.PCNumOfEmployees()>4000))

Best Answer


  • I have tried the same method that you have explained above for lowes employees at my company, myloweslife where i am currently working, it worked like a charm, thank you very much for the clarity again that it can do the job, that image helps all newbies like me in some cases.

  • Hi @kesavareddy102

    Thanks for your feedback and I am glad the article provided the information you were looking for.
  • GreatPeople is the employee communication website for Kroger’s. Kroger or The Kroger Company is the biggest retail chain in the United States by revenue. They are the second-largest retail service in terms of stores. The company is the 4th largest private employer and has a vast market reach.