Is there a way to get the list of "Related Companies" for a given OrgPermID using the Eikon API?

If I type "Robert Bosch GmbH", which has OrgPermID = 4295869214, in the search box of Eikon, I get lots of details for that company, including the list of "Related Companies" on the lower right corner of the screen. Is it possible to get this list, for a given OrgPermID, using the Eikon API and how? Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @maria.vieira

    I think this is one of the ideas to get "related" companies.

    First try to get Exchange, TRBC code.

    Then, use it in SCREENER syntax.

    Sample code:


    Please read this article for more information about SCREENER syntax on Eikon Data API(Python).