New to App Studtio - EikonNow core was not found

Hi, I am new to app studio and working with JET 2 for the first time. I am following the documentation and trying to test the initializing JET part but get the below error. Can someone please help me what am I missing here.

  1. EikonNow core was not found JET.min.js (3,24925)

  2. Could not register JET. Error: "could not find registerWithJET function," JET.min.js (4,12502)


Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Vini

    The sample is provided with jQuery Syntax.


    For quick testing purpose, suggested to change to console.log() to test the code.


  • @Vini

    Are you by any chance trying to use JET 2 library in a regular Web browser? JET library cannot be used on its own in a regular Web browser. It can only be used in Chromium browser inside Eikon desktop application or in Eikon Web.

  • Hi Chavalit,

    Thanks for your response. This explains. Made the change to the code and managed to get it work.

    Warm regards, Vini

  • @ Alex Putkov Thanks for your response. I was testing it using the Eikon Web browser. The sample code was using Jquery which was giving error. Changed it and it's working now.