ERT in Cloud: failed to send AuthToken request

Since June 2, we are having problem with login to ERT in Cloud service.

First, on June 2, our connection to ADS failed with following error from Elektron SDK (ETA):

<D:\Jenkins\workspace\ESDKCore_RCDEV\OS\VS150-64\rcdev\source\esdk\Cpp-C\Eta\Impl\Transport\rsslSocketTransportImpl.c:617> Error:1002 ipcRead() failure. Connection reset by peer

After that all attempts to login again failed and keep failing now. Connection to ADS itself can be established as below.


Port: 14002


Connected to ads3.2.1.L1.linux.tis.rrg 64-bit device.

However, requests to get authentication token from fail because connection cannot be established.

As you can see in attached screenshot of TcpView, connection to get auth token stays in SYN_SENT and then is timed out.image

Because it is HTTPS, could it be some issue with SSL certificates?

Please advise.


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Serge

    Thanks for posting - that seems to further confirm this is a connectivity / server type issue and not an API/Coding related matter.

    The ERT in Cloud support team has access to the server diagnostics etc and will be the best placed to assist in this matter.


  • Hi @Serge

    This sounds like an issue that needs investigating by the ERT in Cloud team - which is outside the scope of this forum - whose main purpose is to assist with coding and API usage issues.

    I have raised a ticket using your supplied email address - so they should be in touch directly with you. The Ticket Reference is 08788771

    You can raise support tickets for connectivity type issues directly at My Refinitiv

    If you don't hear anything from them soon, please post back here so someone can escalate.

  • Hi @Umer

    Thank you. Will do.

    By the way, the simple curl test gives me this.

    curl -v --data "username=<USERID>&password=<PWD>&client_id=<USERID>&grant_type=password&scope=trapi&takeExclusiveSignOnControl=true"

    * About to connect() to port 443 (#0)

    * Trying

    * Connection refused

    * Trying

    * Timed out

    * Trying

    * Timed out

    * couldn't connect to host

    * Closing connection #0

    curl: (7) couldn't connect to host