Invalid Field

Hi Refinitiv Support,

Am currently using batchview to subscribe to fields of interest for various RICs. My logic is to first download FiedDictionary when application starts and cache it. To subscribe, I get the integer value of the field from the FieldDictionary and if the field does not exist, I default to 0.

For example, the lookup will map ASK->25, BID->22 and DEMO->0.

I would like to know what happens when I subscribe to the above fields and NOTE that field (DEMO) 0 does not exist.

Is there any exception thrown for field 0 in any of the message events or it is completely ignored?

Am using EMA java API.



Best Answer

  • Hello @josa

    I have tested to send a view request with non-exist Field Id(0), the field was completely ignored and the application received only exist fields as shown in trace log messages and application out put below:
