How to ESDK Java WebDocs index.html on Mac

Can you advise which browser can open ESDK Java pkg's setup/ on MacOS?

I try to open it on Mac's Safari, Firefox, Chrome and MS Edge but none can open it properly. it keeps redirecting.

Best Answer

  • Hello @tony.zhu

    I strongly recommend you to use Elektron SDK - Java - 1.5.0.L1 which includes the latest bug fixes and features. You can find Elektron SDK - Java - 1.5.0.L1 online documents at EMA Java Documentation as shown below:


    I have not found online documents of Elektron SDK - Java - 1.4.0.L1

    I also found the same problem as you on Windows where I open WebDocs index.html shipped with Elektron SDK - Java version 1.4 and 1.5. using Chrome.

    Moreover, Elektron SDK Java does not support MacOS as shown in API Compatibility Matrix :



  • Thanks Pimchaya. Any workaround to open the WebDocs page in 1.4.0? As it's what version my TREP client used.

    Speaking of OS, Mac is the development machine for coding purpose but their production environment is linux distro supported in API Matrix.

  • Hello @tony.zhu

    I have not found the workaround for 1.4.0. Anyway, you can raise this problem and ask for the workaround from the development team directly by submitting the issue via Elektron-SDK GitHub