How to get most recent value if the value not available for a specific date?

Hello. When using EIKON DATA API get_data() to retrieve a field such as TR.DividendYield for a specific date say 2019-08-31, the data is not available for some stocks on that specific date but is available for an earlier date say 2019-08-30. Is there any query parameter I can add to make get_data() return any most recent data without me issue another query for that earlier date? Thank you.

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @YC

    There is no parameters to fill the "NaN" data with the earliest available data point.


    I suggest that you can retrieve data in range and if the data point on the specific date is not available, you can look back to the earliest available data point.


  • Hello @YC

    As far as I understand, if the date is not specified, the most resent value of TR.DividendYield will be returned. For example:

    df, err = ek.get_data('IBM.N', ['TR.DividendYield'])



  • Hi Chavalit, thank you so much for your reply and suggestion.