What is the error with this simple query?

I am running the followng simply query:

data,err    = ek.get_data(['UBSG.S'],['CF_CURR'],parameters={'SDate': '2020-06-19', 'EDate': '2020-06-19'});

But i keep receiving the following error:

EikonError: Error code 400 | Backend error. 400 Bad Request

I am curious why it does not work as there are barely no data request and it is not a complex query. Could anyone point out if there is something wrong with this query or why this error would come all the time?

It seems that it is field related as other fields work jsut fine. Anyting reason why this particular field 'CF_CURR' could return this error?

Best Answer

  • @Tulkkas

    I reproduced the behavior you describe. There seems to be an intermittent problem with retrieving snapshot market data using Eikon Data APIs. I raised this issue to Refinitiv Support, who will be investigating the problem. Refinitiv Helpdesk will get back to you with regular updates. In case you'd like to follow up on this issue with the Helpdesk, the case number is 08883444.


  • The field CF_CURR is a real time field, and does not have time series available. You can check Data Item Browser for fields which have time series.


  • Update from the support team: The team found that the issue is from the server side. The issue has been fixed.
  • Update from the support team: The team found that the issue is from the server side. The issue has been fixed.