StreamingPrices run forever


I'm using the Eikon Data API and trying to get streaming prices working from a script (not jupyter). I'm using the example code provided on PyPI and on github (in a script form). Currently the receives updates and refreshes for the specified instruments and then almost immediately completes and ends the script. Is there a way to run a StreamingPrices instance "forever" and use the callbacks to evaluate realtime data?


Best Answer

  • umer.nalla
    Answer ✓

    Hi @airxhi

    You can try something like

    streaming = ek.StreamingPrices(....)

    where the above will open the stream, run for 60 seconds before closing the stream.

    If you want to run forever you can put the asyncio call in a continuous loop?


  • Hi Umer,

    That's exactly what I was looking for, thanks!

    Kind Regards

  • Hi ,

    Have one query . If we go like above ...and put asyncio call in continuous while loop ....will after 60 seconds the code will again request for new request and it will be counted as 1 more request or it will just keep the current stream open and will not count it as a seperate request. This i'm asking in context of the number of requests we can send in a day ..Also in one request how many instruments i can send for streaming prices . I need to get the AT THE MONEY strike prices of a particular option during a session ...instead of subscribing to all strikes is there a way i can subscribe to ATM strike RIC's in between the session ...I have used above streamingPrices open request only at start of the session .



  • Hi ,

    Have one query . If we go like above ...and put asyncio call in continuous while loop ....will after 60 seconds the code will again request for new request and it will be counted as 1 more request or it will just keep the current stream open and will not count it as a seperate request. This i'm asking in context of the number of requests we can send in a day ..Also in one request how many instruments i can send for streaming prices . I need to get the AT THE MONEY strike prices of a particular option during a session ...instead of subscribing to all strikes is there a way i can subscribe to ATM strike RIC's in between the session ...I have used above streamingPrices open request only at start of the session .

