Timed out waiting for TREP authentication response


When we send reissue login request (with refresh = false) sometimes we received this message

Timed out waiting for TREP authentication response.

We send reissue login request every 0,8*expirationTime seconds. When we receive this message, what should we do? What is the reason for this?


Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Ok, since you posted it in the Elektron subgroup and mentioned TREP, it had us assuming the issue is with your local TREP and ESDK.

    The Refresh tokens that you are using to renew Access Tokens are only valid for 18 hours. After this time, your application will have to use password grant to get a new set of Refresh and Access token. Can you confirm that you are doing this?

    You can see when it is time to use Password grant when the expires_in time is less then what you would normally get.

    {"access-token": "<access_token>","expires_in": "300","token_type": "Bearer","scope": "trapi","refresh_token": "<refresh_token>"}


  • HI @cristian.gonzalez, Which API and language are you using. Is it the latest version of ESDK?

    Is this issue reproducable with the samples, that are packaged with ESDK like: example430__MarketPrice__TrepAuthentication?

  • Hi!

    Own system is in Java. What do you means with "API"? We don't use de ESDK.

    I don't know if this issue is reproducable. We have this issue every day once at least.

    I will explain what we do.

    We do POST to TREP.


    With the response we open web socket session with this message.

    ID = 1

    domain = Login

    key.elements.applicationId = 256

    key.elements.authenticationToken = XXXX

    key.nameType = AuthnToken.

    When the login is success, every 0,8*expirationTime seconds we do

    POST to



    grant_type = refresh_token
    refresh_token = XXXXX

    And with the response, we get the new refresh token and then we send the reissue login request with the same body of login request but with

    refresh = false

    Sometimes after of we send the reissueLoginRequest we received this message.

    {"ID":1,"Type":"Status","Domain":"Login","Key":{"Name":"xxxxxx"},"State":{"Stream":"Closed","Data":"Suspect","Code":"Timeout","Text":"TREP authentication token has expired."}}

    And then the web socket connection closes.

    Sorry for my english, I hope that you can understand.
