How to get the number of acquisitions and divestments by a company?

I am looking to find how many company were divested or acquired by a company. Is there a way we can find it out?

I am able to fetch the deals data using the below code:

deals=ek.get_data("SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)),BETWEEN(TR.MnAAnnDate,20190101,20200617))",            ["TR.MnAAnnDate","TR.MnATarget","TR.MnATargetPermId","TR.MnAAcquiror","TR.MnAAcquirorPermId"])

I am specifically interested in getting the numbers.

Best Answer

  • @alankar.gupta

    I understand Refinitiv Helpdesk provided you with attached spreadsheet that retrieves the data you're looking for. And now you need help recreating the same data retrieval using Eikon Data APIs. The code snippet below recreates the same data retrieval as in the spreadsheet.

    stock_ric = 'BAC.N'
    dpr = 'A' #deal part role = 'A' for acquiror
    cusip6 = ek.get_data(stock_ric,'TR.SDCCusip',raw_output=True)['data'][0][1]
    scr_exp = f"SCREEN(U(IN(DEALS)),IN(TR.MNASDCCusip(DealPartRole={dpr}),{cusip6}))"
    fields = ['TR.MnASDCDealNumber','TR.MnAAcquiror','TR.MnATarget','TR.MnAAnnDate',
    df, err = ek.get_data(scr_exp, fields)


  • Hi @alankar.gupta

    This forum is not the best place to ask about content questions. For an authoritative answer to any content questions, the best resource is the Refinitiv Content Helpdesk.
    This forum is dedicated to things specific to the use of Eikon APIs.
    The moderators here do not have deep expertise in every type of content available through Eikon.
    The Refinitiv Content Helpdesk can be reached using Contact Us capability in your Eikon application.
    Or by calling the Helpdesk number in your country.
    Or at

  • Divestment is the process of selling subsidiary assets, investments or divisions in order to maximize the value of the parent company. Also known as divestiture, it is the opposite of an investment and is usually done when that subsidiary asset or division is not performing up to expectations

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