Value Chain Company Identifier

I am trying to access the value chain data for a given company through a python API. I can access the relationship type using TR.SCRelationship which returns the value "supplier" or "customer" for each relationship, but I can't seem to find the related company identifier for that relationship.

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    These are fields available.


    fields = ['TR.SCRelationship','TR.SCRelationship.ScorgIDOut','TR.SCRelationship.instrument','TR.SCRelationshipConfidenceScore',

    df,e = ek.get_data('IBM.N',fields)


  • Hi @sk19

    Somehow, this TR.SCRelationship field does not show up in the Data Item Browser.

    So I created a ticket no. 08982576 to the Refinitiv Content Helpdesk on your behalf.

    They will contact you regarding field or field parameter which carry the information on the company name or company identifier.

  • Are there any news on the created ticket? one is still not able to see the TR.SCRelationship data items in the DIB