What is the difference between Messenger SxS API and Messenger Bot API?

What is the difference between Messenger SxS API and Messenger Bot API?

Best Answer


  • Hello,

    Can we create a conversation between external application and Refinitiv Messenger by using Messenger SxS API? For example, there is a chat window in the external application and we can chat inside this application with users connected in Refinitiv Messenger (send/receive messages in external application). Is this possible with SxS API ?

    Thank you or your reply!

  • Hello @acedor

    Could you please clarify more detail regarding your requirements? Do you means you want user in an external chat application can chat cross application to users in Refinitiv Messenger?

    Please note that the SxS API is uni-directional for now, thus you can only send messages to Refinitiv Messenger but cannot receive messages from it.

  • Hello,

    We have a Web site application, we hope our clients(external) on this site can have a conversational chat directly on this platform with our internal users who use Refinitiv Messenger. The Web site clients (external) don't have to install or register Refinitiv. According to what I understand, it is impossible with SxS API, your suggestion is Messenger Bot API, am I right? Thank you in advance.

  • Hello @acedor

    Could you please clarify my understanding regarding your requirements below?

    1. Your internal staff is currently use Refinitiv message for your internal communication
    2. You want your external users to be able to chat with your staff (who currently in Refinitiv messenger system) via the web site's chat box
    3. The external users do not have to install or register Refinitiv Messenger account.

    If I am understanding correctly, I will check with the Product team to verify if the Messenger APIs suitable to your requirement.

  • Yes exactly. Thank you.