Get available RICS on ELEKTRON_DD from ISIN code

I would like to know if it's possible to get available RICS on the source ELEKTRON_DD from an ISIN code and using RFA ?

I guess that this kind of data can be available by requesting the "symbol list" domain of ELEKTRON_DD with RFA but I don't know the symbol name that I should request.

This data is available with EIKON but I would like to get it with RFA.

Do you know a way to do this ?


Best Answer

  • Steven McCoy
    Answer ✓

    This functionality is not yet available in Elektron. One can implement a TREP provider that provides a symbology service that clients can consume or even feed ATS so that it may provide transparent access to the underlying RIC data. The source data for normalization can be taken from DataScope Select (DSS) or Thomson Reuters Tick History (TRTH) EBD files.

    Example implementation on GitHub.

