How to get URL updates?

Hi all,

Up to last week we were still using the old PERMID endpoint instead of the new endpoint Last week our system failed and then we found out about the URL change. Is there a way to find out about these issues earlier? I looked for a PERMID newsletter subscription, but I could not find any.

Best Answer

  • zoya faberov
    Answer ✓

    Hello @NL,

    Yes. Please see in Open PermID News & Updates :

    "Switch to Refinitiv URL for Open PermID/Calais APIs

    This is a gentle reminder to all users of Open PermID/Open Calais APIs, to switch to the Refinitiv URL ..."

    If you would go into specific API from Open PermId and select "Watch" on that API, on any API News that is posted you should also be notified via email.

    Hope this helps?