We would like to do a REST API call to Reuters in order to retrieve daily currencies.

a. What kind of URL do we need to use ?

Is this URL the correct endpoint -> https://hosted.datascopeapi.reuters.com/RestApi/v1/Extractions/Extract

b. Which DDS account and password can we use ?

c. Do we have an additional cost with Reuters if we want to use REST API call’s for exchange rates ?

d. Do we need SSL certificates ?

e. Can we use this REST API 24 hours ?

Best Answer

  • Gurpreet
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Safa, Please see this previous answer regarding getting intraday currency data. The REST API help is available in the DSS web portal at https://hosted.datascope.reuters.com/DataScope/

    You can use the credentials for the web portal with the REST API as well.

    The DSS website uses https and hence you may need a certificate in your client application. It will depend on the programming language/module used. For most clients, it is handled automatically by the underlying language. You can see DSS examples in the .NET/Java/Python in the downloads tab.

    There is no downtime for the REST API. Calls can be invoked any time of the day.