Error code 503 | Server Error: API Proxy is not available

hi, i was using the eikon python api to get some data. since a couple of days now this is not functioning. i am getting an error message: Error code 503 | Server Error: API Proxy is not available

Best Answer


  • Are you using CodeBook ? I think it maybe due to extended idle time.

    Please try to restart CodeBook instance.

    File > Hub Control Panel > Stop My Server and then close the CodeBook app.

    Then try to re-launch the CodeBook app again.



  • Hi, thank you for your reply. This is what I got from my client.

    No i am not using notebook.

    I am running python scripts on my local PC. The moment it starts executing I am getting this error message


    For reference, this is the full script I am using:


    begin= pd.Timestamp('2020-07-10', tz='CET')

    #gets ts using eikon api

    def get_eikon(name, freq, begin):


    df = ek.get_timeseries([name],

    start_date= begin.strftime('%Y-%m-%d '),


    df= df[df['COUNT']!=-1]


    print('get_eikon: '+name+' could not be found')

    df= pd.DataFrame()

    return df.tz_localize('UTC').tz_convert('CET')

    get_eikon('TFMBQM1', 'hour', begin)

    This has been functioning smoothly for months now until a few days ago.. did something change from your side?



  • @chavalit.jintamalit Thanks for your help, as per the client, that resolved the issue.