Error: Error in 1:nrow(input_data_frame) : argument of length 0 while using get_timeseries


I am getting the above addressed error while running the get_timeseries. It is not a consistent error, sometimes it appear and sometimes it does not

NCLData <- get_timeseries(list(paste0(CFTCRICS[i],"NLNG")),start_date = paste(floor_date(Sys.Date() - years(14), "year"),"T00:00:00",sep = ""),end_date = paste(LastDayInMonth(Sys.Date()),"T00:00:00",sep = ""))

where CFTCRICS[1]="4005602".Sometimes while running, it shows error:

Error in 1:nrow(input_data_frame) : argument of length 0

and sometimes it runs properly. Please Help,

Thank you

Best Answer

  • Jirapongse
    Answer ✓


    You may need to set the debug to TRUE to verify the retrieved response.

    NCLData <- get_timeseries(
        start_date = paste(floor_date(Sys.Date() - years(14), "year"),"T00:00:00",sep = ""),
        end_date = paste(LastDayInMonth(Sys.Date()),"T00:00:00",sep = ""),
        debug = TRUE)


  • Hello, I have the same problem but when I try to use debug = T the console shows me this:

    [1] "Request *************************************"
    [1] "Response *************************************"
    [1] "{\"ErrorCode\":500,\"ErrorMessage\":\"Backend error. 500 Internal Server Error\"}"
    [1] "Response status *************************************"
    [1] 200