=TR(RIC; "BID) leads to "The record could not be found"

I am trying to get the BID-Price via Excel of the following: Acco Brands in Frankfurt

First i converted the ISIN (US00081T1088) to RIC (=TR("US00081T1088";"TR.RIC";"RH=IN";B2). Via Excel I extracted the base RIC (ACCO).

Then I am trying to get the BID-Price via Excel of the following: Acco Brands in Frankfurt


This leads to "The record could not be found". But I know that it is traded in Frankfurt. Whats wrong here?

Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @felixrostek

    You may consider using CodeBook and RDP Lib.

    Please type in "CODEBOOK" on Eikon search bar and press enter to launch CodeBook app.

    Look at this article on how to launch CodeBook (could be on Eikon Web access or Eikon Desktop).


    You can then use this code in the CodeBook:

    import refinitiv.dataplatform as rdp

    df = rdp.search('US00081T1088',
                    view = rdp.SearchViews.Quotes,
                    select = 'RIC,BusinessEntity,PermID',
                    top = 100)
    result_rics = df['RIC'].tolist()


    ['ACCO.K', 'ACCO.N', 'A3B.F', 'ACCO.TH', 'ACCO.Z', 'ACCO.P', 'ACCO.ZY', 'ACCO.DG', 'ACCO.C', 'ACCO.DY', 'ACCO.B', 'ACCO.A', 'ACCO.PH', 'ACCO.MW', 'A3Bf.TRE', 'A3B.BE', 'ACCO.DF', 'ACCO.ARC', 'ACCO.NB', 'ACCO.ITC', 'ACCO.BAT', 'ACCO.BYX', 'ACCO.EI', 'ACCO.BT1', 'A3Bf.ICEM', 'A3Bf.DAp', 'A3B.DEU', 'ACCO_w.K^E12', 'ACCO_w.N^E12', 'A3B.DE^E11', 'ACCO.W^E14', 'ABD.B^J07', 'ACCO_w.B^E12', 'ACCO_w.C^E12', 'ACCO_w.DF^E12', 'ACCO_w.DG^E12', 'ACCO_w.DY^E12', 'ACCO_w.MW^E12', 'ACCO_w.P^E12', 'ACCO_w.TH^E12', 'ACCO_w.W^E12', 'ACCO_w.Z^E12', 'ACCO_w.PH^E12', 'ACCO_w.ZY^E12', 'ABD.PH^B09', 'ABD.II^G10', 'A3Bf.TRXA', 'A3Bf.TWEA']

    From this RIC list, you can find out the exchange or country.

    import refinitiv.dataplatform.eikon as ek

    df2,e = ek.get_data(result_rics,['TR.ExchangeCountry', 'TR.ExchangeName', 'TR.ISIN'])




  • I found a first hint.

    The US RIC is: ACCO

    The german RIC is: A3B

    How do I convert a US RIC into a german RIC?

  • @felixrostek

    The RIC for Acco Brands in Frankfurt is A3B.F.


    This formula =TR("US00081T1088","TR.RIC","CH=Fd RH=IN",B2) returns ACCO.N. In this case, I don't think that you can use ACCO as a base RIC for Acco Brands in Frankfurt.

    You can directly contact the Eikon support team via MyRefinitiv to verify the way to get A3B.F from ISIN.


  • Hi,
    thank you very much for your support so far.
    I have an issue retreiving US-equity Pre-Market Data (from 04:00 New York time on).
    I do not get "BID" and "ASK" values via Excel addin. Is there a special formula or field I need to use? The formulas work perfectly within the core session (from 09:30 New York opening time on).

    Thank You!
    kind regards
