How to get the component RICs from <0#.STAR50>?

Hello Friends,

I'm using Eikon data API to retrieve the component RICs from the Chain RIC<0#.STAR50>.


I tried some ways but still could not get it.

I used the syntax of ek.get_data(), but I could not get anything.

ric = '0#.STAR50'
field = 'TR.CommonName'
df, err = ek.get_data(ric, field)

After reviewed the Q&A in the forum, I tried to get the LONGLINK information from the chain RIC, but still could not get anything.

df, err = ek.get_data('0#.STAR50','LONGLINK1')

Much appreciate if you can help to look into this case.

Thanks & Regards,


Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Dan.Li

    I submitted this ticket on your behalf.

    Ticket No. 09084441

    I tried the same chain using Eikon Excel and it works fine.

    However it does not work on Eikon Data API.


    Support team will contact you soon.