rsslDecodeFilterEntry returns RSSL_RET_INCOMPLETE_DATA (-26)

when parsing source directory response, rsslDecodeFilterEntry keeps returns -26 (RSSL_RET_INCOMPLETE_DATA) after two successful (return 0) iterations. any idea?

Best Answer

  • derek.li2
    Answer ✓

    Thanks Steven. I figured out that it's due to I exit a rsslDecode loop early without calling rsslFinishDecodeEntries. Problem is gone once rsslFinishDecodeEntries gets added.


  • I would recommend using the ValueAdd RDM library functions rsslDecodeRDMDirectoryMsg() and rsslDecodeRDMDictionaryMsg() to decode the source directory and field dictionaries as generally these are boiler plate operations that rarely occur during market hours and incur development of a lot of code that needs to be tested and maintained.