Submit FX order FXAll via python api


I am in the processing of writing a proof of concept for submitting FX orders via a python api for a buy side client. I have an eikon login (trial).

I have experimented with the eikon api in Python and it see to stream only top of book (level 1) market data.

Please point me to examples that achieve the folowwing:

  • stream/process market depth orderbook.
  • send/manage orders to market in Python.

Does this become a TREP/DACS issue, which requires more that an eikon user?


Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @Mugu.m

    - send/manage orders to market in Python

    This is not in the API capability

    - stream/process market depth orderbook.

    On TREP, you can specific domain when subscribing to an instrument.

    However, on Eikon Data API - StreamingPrices, it only allows you to subscribe to the MARKET_PRICE domain.

    The workaround to get level 2 data is to use the RIC carrying level 2 data.

    For example, VOD.L has VOD.LO as the level 2 RIC code and the data is in BEST_BID<x>, BEST_ASK<x>, BEST_BSIZ<x> or BEST_ASIZ<x> fields.

    Please note that different exchange may use different RIC name.



  • chavalit.jintamalit.
    I am getting Access denied error when I try the level 2 symbol option for retrieving market depthimage

    Secondly:What are my options then for order send/managing if api does not enable me to do this?

  • Hi @Mugu.m

    Please contact your Refinitiv CSM or Refinitiv Account Manager for your company.

    So they can help you with the following questions:

    - The access denied is due to your account permission on the data content.

    - I am not familiar with order submission, so CSM or Account Manager would be able to link you with an appropriate team.

  • Thanks, chatting to account manager.