How to find field names in Eikon Python API?


I'm using the Eikon Python API to pull data on a list of ISINs, and have been given a request to use new fields. Is there a list of available fields anywhere?

I'm specifically looking for columns along the lines of "trade date, transaction amount (nominal), trade price (gross settlement), delivering party type and receiving party type".


Best Answer

  • chavalit-jintamalit
    Answer ✓

    Hi @MJarosz

    Please refer to this tutorial.

    You can use Formula Builder in the Eikon Excel.

    Or you can use "Data Item Browser" in the Eikon Desktop.

    Additionally, you can use "CODECREATOR" to create a snippet code as well.



  • Hi,

    Please help me find the field name for this Ric Code:


    I need alll the closing prices for the different months and strikes please.

  • @MJarosz

    i would suggest you open a new thread to ask this question.