Elektron SDK for ERT in Cloud

Hi, I have tested WebSocket example for ERT in Cloud and it seems the sample refreshes token every 1 min. However EMA Java sample doesn't seems to do it in same way.
Do Elektron APIs behave same to update token in a regular interval when it is used with ERT in Cloud?
Or do they keep connection like TREP once they success a login attempt?
If so, may I know how long can it be connected in the maximum?

Please advise.

Best Answer

  • Hi @naoto.tatemichi

    Please see the EMA Java for ERT in Cloud Quickstart which uses the example450__MarketPrice__QueryServiceDiscovery.

    We also have the somewhat simpler example112__MarketPrice__TunnelingConnection - which supports ERT in Cloud connectivity - included in the Java Elektron SDK

    As you will note from the source for these two examples, once successfully logged in - the token refresh/update etc is done behind the scenes by the API.


  • Hi @umer.nalla

    I have downloaded the example with the latest SDK from Developer Community to compare the code of ERT in Cloud's sample, but don't see any specific token requesting part in the code of EMA Java.
    May I assume EMA doesn't need to update token within it's main program?

  • Hi @naoto.tatemichi

    Yes - as mentioned in my earlier reply, once logged in, the token handling is carried out behind the scenes by EMA - i.e. the developer does not need to do this manually as per the Websocket API.

  • Noted Umer. Thanks a lot for your advice.