How to send Stop Market entry order from Excel VBA to REDI Plus

Hello, I am trying to send a Stop Market entry order from excel VBA to REDI Plus, the code is like below,

Dim hOrder As New Order

hOrder.Symbol ='SQQQ

hOrder.Side = "Buy"

hOrder.Quantity = 100

hOrder.Exchange = "GSDE Algo"

hOrder.PriceType = "SOR GSDE"

hOrder.StopPrice = 26.88

hOrder.TIF = TIF

hOrder.Account = AccountID

hOrder.Ticket = "Bypass"

It filled as a market order immediately without waiting for he price breakout the StopPrice. I checked the variable, hOrder.IsStopPriceEnabled which is false in this case. My question is that how can I enable it?

Also I tried some other PriceTypes from the API, like the "Stop", it will pop up "PriceType invalid" error.

By the way, I am able to send the stop market entry order in REDI plus without problem. it just need to set the DESINATION as GSCO NA Eq Algo, the PRICE TYPE as SOR, the ORDER TYPE as Stop, and fill out the price in the "STOP" field instead of "PRICE" field. But in the API, there is only one property to set the "Price Type" and "Order Type", the options are:

• Market

• Limit

• Stop

• Stop Limit

• Peg Ask

• Peg Bid

• Peg Mid

• Market Close

• Limit Close

So how can I set them from VBA code to match the fields in REDI Plus?

Best Answer

  • Hello @Gerry Z,

    If you are running a REDI Order Entry example (?), try:

    1. Modifying generic order creation code to set StopPrice similar to:

    hOrder.Side = Side
         hOrder.Quantity = Quantity
         hOrder.Symbol = Symbol
         hOrder.Exchange = Exchange
         hOrder.PriceType = PriceType
         hOrder.Price = Price
         hOrder.StopPrice = Price
         hOrder.TIF = TIF
         hOrder.Account = Account
         hOrder.Warning = False
         hOrder.Ticket = "Bypass"

    2.Selecting Stop from the Order Type drop-down:


    3. Verifying via RediPLus if the order submitted is, in fact, a stop order next:


    Hope this helps
