API Proxy not available: 503 error code


I can no longer connect to the Eikon Data API Proxy via the Python API because of the following error:

'API Proxy not available: 503 error code'

I have seen this error before in the past months, but only occasionally. A retry/restart usually solved the issue. Now it stopped working entirely. No amount of retrying/restarting helps.

I have checked the other questions on this forum from people with the same issue. Note that:

  • I am running the latest version of the Python `eikon` package (1.1.6-post2)
  • I have cleared the eikon cache, restarted both Eikon and my machine multiple times, etc.
  • I have reinstalled Eikon Desktop software after downloading the latest installer
  • I have tried it on a colleagues computer

None of the above solves the issue.

As a sidenote: looking at a diff of your eikon Python library between 1.1.6 and e.g. 1.1.2, tells me that you are occasionally introducing breaking changes to the API proxy's behaviour without notifying users or providing useful error messages. This is poor practice and I strongly recommend against it, unless you want to overwhelm your support forum with questions like this.

Regardless, my particular issue does not seem rooted in library versions: I am using the latest version of the library.

Best Answer

  • tr105
    Answer ✓

    I tried all versions of the Python library without success. In the end, it turned out that there was/is a bug in the Eikon API proxy software (i.e. the Eikon Desktop software, not the python library). An account manager 'targeted our account' for an updated version which was automatically installed after we restarted Eikon. Since then we are able to connect again using the Python API. I do not know if this update has been rolled out globally yet, so this may still be a problem for other people.


  • Hi,

    To investigate your issue, could you share more information like :

    1. Python version
    2. lib versions ('pip list' result)
    3. Eikon Desktop version,
    4. DESKTOPSXSSVC version (see in Help / About Refinitiv Eikon => APPs tab)

    In addition, could you get from APIProxy.* log file (should be in C:\ProgramData\Thomson Reuters\Eikon Data\Logs\TRD\Eikon.yyyymmdd.hhmmss.p<id>):

    • the DATAAPIPROXY version
      (ex: "-Context=C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Thomson Reuters\Eikon User\Cache\LibraryCache\Apps\REFINITIVHOLDINGS.EIKON.DATAAPIPROXY\")
    • any error message

  • @pierre.faurel

    Python version:

    Python 3.7.9 (default, Aug 31 2020, 07:22:35)

    Pip list:


    Package Version

    ---------------- -------------------

    appdirs 1.4.4

    certifi 2020.6.20

    chardet 3.0.4

    DateTime 4.3

    deprecation 2.1.0

    eikon 1.1.6.post2

    h11 0.9.0

    httpcore 0.10.2

    httpx 0.14.3

    idna 2.10

    nest-asyncio 1.4.0

    numpy 1.19.2

    packaging 20.4

    pandas 1.1.2

    pip 20.2.2

    pyparsing 2.4.7

    python-dateutil 2.8.1

    pytz 2020.1

    rfc3986 1.4.0

    setuptools 49.6.0.post20200814

    six 1.15.0

    sniffio 1.1.0

    websocket-client 0.57.0

    wheel 0.35.1

    zope.interface 5.1.0


    Eikon Desktop version:

    Desktop 4.0.52 (4.0.52055)



    installed on 2020-09-10 12:00:06:299

    DATAAPIPROXY version from path:

    C:\Users\xxxxxxxx\AppData\Local\Thomson Reuters\Eikon User\Cache\LibraryCache\Apps\REFINITIVHOLDINGS.EIKON.DATAAPIPROXY\")

    I assume this means DATAAPIPROXY version is

    I tried again this morning, and it seems the library managed to connect one out of 3 tries. This is still unacceptable for my use case, but it may be useful information when debugging. It didn't work at all when I tried yesterday.

  • please find the requested info in my answer

  • I suggest also to run the test proposed here

  • To isolate the root cause, could you run test mentionned here ?

  • @pierre.faurel

    I've used the script that you linked, inserted my app key, and downloaded the latest version of the eikon library just to be sure.

    When using port 9060 (as is hardcoded in the script), i got the following:

    ConnectionRefusedError: [WinError 10061] No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it

    AFAIK this indicates that the proxy is not running on port 9060 on my machine.

    When replacing 9060 with port 9000, I received:


    API Proxy is not available


    API Proxy is not available

  • See reply in answer. Not sure if you're notified when I reply like that.

  • Hello @tr105

    Do you still encounter the issue? If so, could you please try downgrade Eikon Data API as the step in this post answer?

  • @wasin.waeosri
    I tried all versions of the Python library without success. In the end, it turned out that there was/is a bug in the Eikon API proxy software (i.e. the Eikon Desktop software, not the python library). An account manager 'targeted our account' for an updated version which was automatically installed after we restarted Eikon. Since then we are able to connect again using the Python API. I do not know if this update has been rolled out globally yet, so this may still be a problem for other people.

  • how can I connect with an account manager in case of having the same issue? My environment was running fine but suddenly stopped working with the same error. Reinstalling solved my issue at the time but I'm here again. As in your case, I also tried a different computer this time.

  • You can contact Refinitiv Support using Contact Us capability in your Eikon application or through MyRefinitiv.