Problems with DSS FTP connection with Client WinSCP or automated script.

I have been attempting to get our automated script to connect to our site

When I test the connection with the client, CoreFTP, I AM successful using


Port: 22

User: r9025260

Pass: xxxxxx (obscured) and no private key

I am NOT successful if I use the Client WinSCP

OR my automated script.

What I get back as a return value from your server is as follows:

“<?xml version="1.0"?><FTPResults xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd=""><Success>false</Success><Msg>Connection has been unexpectedly closed. Server sent command exit status 0.

Authentication log (see session log for details):

Using username "r9025260".

Access denied.

Authentication failed.</Msg><FileInfo><string xsi:nil="true" /></FileInfo></FTPResults>"

Can you please have someone look at the log for this user and see if it reveals why one way works and the other doesn’t? Each method should be presenting the same public key.

Best Answer

  • Hi @Lukasz Ossowski,

    I have tried with latest WinSCP and have been able to connect both FTP and SFTP.

    Like OpenSSL, WinSCP uses its own certificate store and prompted me to accept the new certificate - the first time I connected.



    I would recommend that you update to the latest version and clear your old cached certificates.


  • Also, you can refer to this DSS ftp user guide.

    Here is the same thing with CURL. You will need to manually import the RSA certificate into the OpenSSL trusted certificates list to avoid using the -k (insecure) switch.

    >>>curl -k "s; --user "r999999:password"
    drwxr-s---    6 109011672 30000           6 Mar 23  2017 .
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