TR.EventType return NaN

Hello, Support team.

3549.T earning date is Sep 17 JST.

I confirm Advanced Events Search. This information is correct.image

But Eikon API returns NaN.


earning_warning_data, e = ek.get_data(['3549.T'], ['TR.EventType', ''], parameters={'SDate': '-5D', 'EDATE': '10D'})

Some of the other most recent stocks cannot get information.

Please research this issue.

Best Answer

  • Hi @kengo_takahashi

    I tested the API call and Eikon Excel and I got an identical result.

    Please note that I extended the start date to -250D because there is no recent event in -10D


    I cannot confirm if the content is correct or not but from the API perspective, it retrieves the same result as Eikon Excel.

    You can contact Refinitiv Content Helpdesk to clarify if the TR.EventType is the correct field for you?

    Or if there are any other available fields that carry the event information you are looking for.

    Helpdesk can be reached at
