Is there a NuGet package for the Redi api for DotNet?

Is there a NuGet package for the Redi API?

My app runs locally on the users desktop, but is built on an the Azure DevOps build process where I can't directly install Redi.. Thus a NuGet package is the ideal (and industry standard) way to package DotNet dependencies these days for such a purpose.

If not, can one be made?

If not, can you provide me with the list of dlls and any other dependencies an application needs to include to call the API?

Note: The Eikon and Elektron products have NuGet packages if you're looking for internal expertise @ Refinitiv.


Best Answer

  • Hello @peter.drier,

    As a quick way to get started, please refer to REDI API - Getting Started in C# Tutorial, hope it is of help.


    Thank you for the suggestions. The best way to get it done, could you please communicate the suggestions to your Refinitiv account manager, so they can convey to product leadership as incoming from REDI customer, for the purpose of assessment and prioritization. Are a small team unlike Eikon and Elektron, so we have to prioritize.


  • This might very well be the only answer I'll get given it seems the Redi product is getting the bare minimum of support love within the Refinitiv family.. Sad to see what was once the forefront of trading technology be relegated to the back burner..

    I wouldn't say it's "correct" though.. There is no Nuget package, and the out of date documentation which is available doesn't cover deployment nor anything about using a build server.