Can't find permid by RIC in Record Matching API and Entity Search API

Sometimes both Record Matching API and Entity Search API return no matches when searching by RIC (or by ticker + MIC), while the PermID with the corresponding data exists on on the website. For example:


However, API request returns 0 matches:

Interesting, the entry is however present in the bulk file (OpenPermID-bulk-quote-20200913_085205.ttl):

        a                         tr-fin:Quote ;
        tr-common:hasName         "RANDSTAD ORD"^^xsd:string ;
        tr-common:hasPermId       "55838220374"^^xsd:string ;
        tr-fin:hasExchangeCode    "AEX"^^xsd:string ;
        tr-fin:hasExchangeTicker  "RAND"^^xsd:string ;
        tr-fin:hasMic             "XAMS"^^xsd:string ;
        tr-fin:hasRic             "RAND.AS"^^xsd:string ;
        tr-fin:isQuoteOf          <; ;
        tr-fin:isQuotedIn         <; .

Same issue with SAND.ST for example

Best Answer

  • Hello @simon.keel,

    I believe what you are running into is that more data is available for human eye access on website then via programmatic, API access. This difference has to do with different licensing for different kinds of access and is better explained in PermId FAQ, in section "How is data open?".

    I hope this info helps