Understanding SymbolList Domain with an internal ATS (TREP) via UPA

I'm trying to understand the model for querying ATS for RICs (if possible) via the UPA API. The RDM Usage Guide for Java refers to the SymbolList Domain (simple example code also provided as part of UPA) but I'm unclear as to whether we can leverage this capability. The basic use case is for a UPA Java client to query an internal ATS to retrieve all available RICs or merely a subset based on RIC mapping created within ATS. Of course, the alternative is to maintain a static file similar to the dictionary files under /opt/thomsonreuters/SOFTWARE/..

Best Answer

  • You can query RICs list from ATS using SymbolList.

    The item value format is <BusinessUnit.container>.

    Let's use UPA Java's consumer as an example, suppose that you want to request list of business unit "COMMODITY" from container "APAC". You have to run consumer example with the following command arguments.

    -h "ATS_Hostname" -p 14002 -s "ATS_SERVICENAME" -sl COMMODITY.APAC

    You can also specify BU by itself to view the records in that BU but not in any container.


  • Hi Paul,

    I think Warat's answer should provide the information you're looking for. For a quick test you can try "rmdstestclient" with the following syntax:

    ./rmdstestclient -S ATS -f ATS.Default -X -l stdout -v
    -md 10 |grep "RSSL_MPEA_ADD_ENTRY" |awk -F\" '{print $6}'

    Do you have any business units/containers configured, or is it just the standard "ATS" business unit with the "Default" container? The syntax above should work for the standard defaults (for custom BUs/Containers, need to list the ones you need the symbollists for).


  • Thanks Warat/Dumitru

    We do have a business unit specified and I was able to run the simple test with the consumer app to test it. Will follow-up if I have additional questions.