Nasdaq Nordic via Eikon Data API error

Dear all,

a customer reported an issue with our Eikon Data API. He occasionally get following error message:

{'columnHeadersCount': 1,

'data': [['GB00BKZZ4R47.ST', None, None, None, None]],

'error': [{'code': 251658243,

'col': 1,

'message': "'Access Denied' for the instrument 'GB00BKZZ4R47.ST'",

This error occurs every once in a while and only on exchange "Nasdaq Nordics". Despite the "Access Denied" message he can use the very same RIC and get data in Eikon without any issues... What might be the potential issue with this one if not the permissioning ?

Many thanks,


Best Answer

  • @Almir Purisic

    'Access Denied' message comes from Refinitiv backend. I suggest you open a support case with Refinitiv Helpdesk to have the issue investigated. It would be most helpful to have the HTTP request returning this message captured using Fiddler. Or at least note the date and time when the issue occurred and the API call (including the field names requested) that returned the error. User's Eikon login or UUID would also be required to examine backend logs and find those failed requests.
