How to retrieve Swaption Volatility in Excel API?

Raising the query on an external client's behalf:

Client is seeking assistance on how to pull the Swaption Volatility as seen in this page Home > Fixed Income > Interest Rate Derivatives > Swaptions
Eikon link:

using Excel API.

He would like to pass in a date and get the time-series of this swaption volatility surface.

Best Answer


  • Hi @romerson.gadil21

    You would need to know RIC and fields carrying the information then you can use =TR function in Excel.

    If you do not know the RIC and fields, you can raise a ticket to Refinitiv Content Helpdesk at

  • Hi Chavalit,

    I appreciate your reply. Here's the RIC that the client would like to get the Swaption Volatility in Excel API / Eikon API - EURSWPTNS=TTKL

    Here's the page where the client was referring from "Swaption Volatility"

  • Thank you Alex Putkov.

    The client also asked if he can extract the time-series (as this looks like it extracts the current snapshot of the vol)?

  • For timeseries you need to use the RICs for individual swaptions. E.g. to get the timeseries of volatility for a 6M option on a 1Y swap use

    =RHistory("EUR6MX1Y=TTKL",".TIMESTAMP;.CLOSE","INTERVAL:1D START:01-SEP-2020 END:15-SEP-2020")

  • Hi,

    I am running this from python


    where my list of rics is....

    and start_date: 1st March, 2020 and end_date: 26th Sept, 2020.

    However, I only get data from 6th July, 2020

    Can I not retrieve data for a longer look-back?



  • See the answer on this thread. The response to a single get_timeseries call for interday data is limited to 3K rows, which is shared by all instruments in the call.

  • Thanks a lot!!

  • Hi,
    Tried this :-

    However, I get "No data available for every single ric in the ric_list.

    Any thoughts?



  • Are you able to reproduce this consistently or was it a once off request failure? Can you give an example of a RIC in your ric_list?

  • Hi Team,

    Thank you for your help. However, for some reasons, I can't find any 'Accept' button.