What is the RIC for VIX Future spread product? For example VIX Future Spread product between VXc2 &

What is the RIC for VIX Future spread product? For example VIX Future Spread product between VXc2 & VXc3 is UXX0UXZ0 as per bloomberg. We are loking for equivalent of this in Reuters.

Best Answer


  • This is the top result in search engines for this question. For those who just want some guidance to get going on their own: the format appears to be ~ ${RIC_ROOT}S{NEAR_MONTH_CODE}{NEAR_1DIGIT_YEAR}_B{FAR_MONTH_CODE}{FAR_1DIGIT_YEAR} eg VXSV1-BX1 for BBG UXV1UXX1 (i.e., VXV1 VXX1).
