Jupyter Notebook not connecting to Eikon Data API

Hi, I recently got a new computer and re-set up my dev environment. However, when I try to run any of my existing jupyter notebooks, I get the error... ERROR: no proxy address identified. I don't know how to solve this problem. If anyone could help would be great.




Best Answer

  • @milan_hedstrom ok just for clarity what versions of Eikon, Eikon library and Python are you running. I take it you downgraded httpx version to 0.14.2. Might be an idea to try with Python 3.7x to see if that works for the moment.


  • @milan_hedstrom please see this thread to see if it can help

  • Hi, Jason, I tried and still get this message,

    1. 2020-09-25 13:09:03,867 P[16856] [MainThread 19368] Error: no proxy address identified. Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running. 2020-09-25 13:09:03,871 P[16856] [MainThread 19368] Port number was not identified, cannot send any request 2020-09-25 13:09:03,872 P[16856] [MainThread 19368] Port number was not identified. Check if Eikon Desktop or Eikon API Proxy is running.

    similar to the other case that was brought up slightly after mine.



  • The Eikon Data API is accessible again with this method.

